it grows up to 6ft and weighs 45 to 55 Kgs. Emu meat has high content of proteins in it and is 98% fat free too. American Doctor's recommend this Emu meat for diabetic and heart patients. Emu oil is extracted from the bird, this oil has many medicinal properties. It can be used for treating more than 105 different skin ailments, burns and joint pains etc
Emu oil is widely used in pharmaceutical companies. It's feathers, toe nails and skin are used widely in the fashion industry. In this way the entire bird is of use to man and there is absolutely no waste from it. Currently we're focusing on growing the population of the bird.
Emu oil is widely used in pharmaceutical companies. It's feathers, toe nails and skin are used widely in the fashion industry. In this way the entire bird is of use to man and there is absolutely no waste from it. Currently we're focusing on growing the population of the bird.
So far we are operating as breeders. Really we haven't started yet slaughtering birds for meat. But being said, we do kill time to time our handicapped and genetically weak birds to avoid the hereditary problems acuter in future. From these birds we do get enough meat and sufficient oil every year.Emu Fat- Oil contains rich vitamin E, Omega 3 , Omega 6 and Omega 9. Because Emu Oil has the same density of human oil, it penetrates very fast in human skins. Internationally the scientist believes the Emu oil is one of the most exciting and vital products generated from the fat of an Emu. Emu oil can be used for Arthritis, Muscle and joint injuries and pain. It is commonly used for inflammation of the joints, burn pain and scaring, but above all as an anti-aging cream in many modern cosmetic fields. From one adult bird we can extract 4 to 5 litters of oil. The oil price is at present Rs.5,000 to Rs.6,000 per litter.(Prices are subject to change)
Emu oil is a medicine widely using for diseases, like:-
2.Varicose veins
3.Skin diseases
4.Joint pain etc...
and using for making cosmetics.
Emu oil is a medicine widely using for diseases, like:-
2.Varicose veins
3.Skin diseases
4.Joint pain etc...
and using for making cosmetics.
Buying 10 pairs of 3 months old Emu birds
Cost Rs. 1,50,000(INR)
Cost of Fencing Rs. 35,000/- (one time)
Feed cost per year for 10 pairs of emu birds -Rs.1,20,000/-
Emu birds start laying eggs after 18 months
First time 10 pairs of emu will give 100 egss
Second time 10 pairs of emu brids will give 200 eggs
third time 10 pairs of emu brids will give 300 eggs + plus
Emu bird lays eggs only between October to march every year
As per this model project the Total Investment is Rs.3,05,000/- INR (One time Investment)
Income from this model project will be Rs 3.00,000 INR for every year (Todays market value per egg is Rs.1500 - 1600/- so (300 eggs X Rs.1500 - 1600/- = Rs.4,50,000 -4,80,000 /- INR )(Prices are subject to change)
This income will continue for 30 years as emu will lay eggs for more than 30 years
Cost Rs. 1,50,000(INR)
Cost of Fencing Rs. 35,000/- (one time)
Feed cost per year for 10 pairs of emu birds -Rs.1,20,000/-
Emu birds start laying eggs after 18 months
First time 10 pairs of emu will give 100 egss
Second time 10 pairs of emu brids will give 200 eggs
third time 10 pairs of emu brids will give 300 eggs + plus
Emu bird lays eggs only between October to march every year
As per this model project the Total Investment is Rs.3,05,000/- INR (One time Investment)
Income from this model project will be Rs 3.00,000 INR for every year (Todays market value per egg is Rs.1500 - 1600/- so (300 eggs X Rs.1500 - 1600/- = Rs.4,50,000 -4,80,000 /- INR )(Prices are subject to change)
This income will continue for 30 years as emu will lay eggs for more than 30 years
For more details click here
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